“May you walk the path of wisdom and live in the ever-present wholeness of divine mystery.” ~ Christine Madar

 This Path is not linear.

It is spectral. It is quantum. It is whole.

You look for meaning and feel the answers are multi-dimensional.

You sense there is a link between your thinking and how your body feels.

You have experiences -- telepathic moments, lucid dreams, synesthesia, precognition. 

You love tools that are extra-ordinary and are prepared for a holographic shift that changes everything. 

You are ready to be rooted in self-acceptance, truth and change. 

The quantum connecting link is always the awareness of who you are.

“Your own voice is the voice that carries you through life the best.” ~Nancy Griffith

Gene Keys Guidance

The world needs people who care, now. We need emotional clarity and to hold the light during difficult times. We have to hold the balance of our own light and dark regardless of external circumstance. 

The Gene Keys are an extraordinary transmission. This wisdom is profoundly simple with many layers. Christine serves as a gatekeeper, ushering people to this transmission and guiding them on a journey that they alone can take.


Tibetan Cranial® Bodywork

This is a powerful and unique healing modality for balance and equanimity in all levels of Self. This wisdom stream of energy is rooted in ancient Tibet. Read about the rich history of Tibetan Cranial and how to prepare for the work here. Sessions are available by request only.

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are a reflection of the dreamer, in all aspects of life. Whether conscious, unconscious, receptive, defending, searching or hiding, dreams shine light on what the dreamer’s response is to their waking life. Christine dives deep into dreams whether they are recurring, visitations or nightmares in order to glean the meaning for the dreamer.

Let’s get started.